Pink Treat
How much shock should I use with Pink Treat?
This varies depending on the type of chlorine. In general, we'd recommend 4 pounds or gallons of chlorine shock for 20,000 gallon pool. Make sure to reference the chlorine manufacturer's directions.
Does Pink Treat contain phosphates?
Yes it contains some. Part of why Pink Treat works so well is that it contains phosphate. In general, we recommend you don't worry about phosphate levels.
With Pink Treat do I leave the pump running?
You sure do! While Pink Treat kills the pink slime and/or white water mold the filter traps it. Make sure to pay attention to filter pressure and backwash as necessary. If you're dealing with pink slime, you should chemical clean the filter as well. ...
With Pink Treat do I add chlorine?
Yes! Pink Treat requires shocking to work.
Will Pink Treat leave stains?
Nope. Pink Treat doesn't contain copper, silver or any ingredients that stain.
Will Pink Treat leave a chlorine reading?
Yes! But Pink Treat may make readings appear lower. Just continue to chlorinate as normal until readings stabilize.
What's in Pink Treat?
That's a secret! But I can tell you that Pink Treat's formula is based on Sodium Bromide.
Is Pink Treat safe for vinyl liner?
Absolutely. Pink Treat is safe for vinyl liner.
Is Pink Treat safe for pets?
Absolutely. Pink Treat is safe for pets that swim and drink from the pool.
Is Pink Treat safe for painted pools?
Absolutely. Pink Treat is safe for painted pools. As with any chemical, we recommend you first dissolve the granules in a bucket of water and then pour it into the pool.
Is Pink Treat safe for kids?
Absolutely. While you should keep it out of the reach of children, Pink Treat is safe for kids that swim in the pool.
Is Pink Treat safe for fiberglass?
Absolutely. Pink Treat is safe for fiberglass.
Is Pink Treat safe for Diamond Brite/Pebble Tec/Quartz/Exposed Aggregate pools?
Absolutely. Pink Treat is safe for those pool surfaces. As with any chemical, we recommend you first dissolve the granules in a bucket of water and then pour it into your pool.
Is Pink Treat safe for dark bottom pools?
Absolutely. Pink Treat is safe for dark bottom pools. As with any other chemical you add, we recommend first dissolving the granules in a bucket of water and then pouring it into the pool.
Is Pink Treat okay to use with salt water pools?
Absolutely. Pink Treat is compatible salt water pools. You will still need to add granular or liquid chlorine shock.
Is Pink Treat okay to use with ozone?
Absolutely. Pink Treat is compatible ozone.
Is Pink Treat okay to use with ionizers?
Absolutely. Pink Treat is compatible ionizers.
Is Pink Treat okay to use with copper algaecide
Absolutely. Pink Treat is compatible copper algaecide. However, you probably don't need to use both. Pink Treat is fully capable of handling things by itself.
Is Pink Treat okay to use with baquacil or biguanide?
Absolutely. Pink Treat is compatible baquacil or biguanide. Just substitute chlorine shock for biguanide shock.
How often should I add Pink Treat to my pool?
You should only use Pink Treat when you have pink bacteria/slime or white water mold. To prevent pink bacteria/slime and white water mold we recommend using No Mor Problems.
How much Pink Treat do I use?
You should add 2 pounds of Pink Treat per 20,000 gallons. You can find more information in the Directions tab on the product page.
How long will Pink Treat last?
Pink Treat will only kill the algae present, and is designed to burn through fast. Pink Treat will be active up to a week after use. To prevent algae we recommend using No Mor Problems.
How long does Pink Treat take to work?
Pink Treat will begin to react with the chlorine immediately. You should see results with Pink Treat in 24 hours.
How long after using Pink Treat will the algae come back?
Pink Treat will only kill the algae present. To prevent algae we recommend using No Mor Problems.
How long after using Pink Treat should I wait to go swimming?
After using Pink Treat wait an hour or until the chlorine reading drops below 5ppm.
Does Pink Treat affect chlorine readings?
It can. If you use too much Pink Treat and not enough chlorine it may make it difficult to get a reading. If that happens, don't shock. Just chlorinate as normal until the reading returns.
Does Pink Treat affect balancing?
No. Pink Treat will not affect pH or Total Alkalinity.